8 Ways to Perfect Your Sex Life

What does it take for sex to become great, rather than just okay? Mastering the necessary bedroom skills depends on many factors, such as creativity, physical exercise, and getting enough sleep.

Together with these, you can also encourage your sex life by adopting several essential practices, or 8 to be exact, that will definitely up your bedroom game.

Morning Sex

It has been scientifically proven that morning sex is a beneficial tool in building intimacy and chemistry. In addition, morning sex delivers more oxygen to the brain and boosts your oxytocin levels, which is a superb wake-up routine. 

No Smoking

A 2011 study noted that non-smoking men have faster and stronger erections, compared to smokers. In addition, 75 percent of the men who quit smoking during the study explained they experienced much fuller and thicker erections and avoided erectile dysfunction issues.


Coffee, unlike cigarettes, can be a drastic booster of your sex performance. A related study in the field noted that 170 milligrams of coffee a day showed a 42 percent decrease in erectile dysfunctions.  Caffeine, the ground element in coffee, relaxes the penile muscles and increases the blood flow, which then results in stronger erections.


In the golden age of sex, toys represent an elementary tool for pleasure and creativity in bed. If your sex toy drawer has become neglected, expand the list of toys you need and favor a few new picks that serve pleasure for both you and your woman. 

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in cacao which boosts the levels of serotonin in your body. Cacao also helps reduce physical and emotional stress, increase desire, and facilitate orgasms.

Something New

It would be impossible to imagine a lively sex life without creativity and newness in it. Whether it is a new location, a new position, or a new way of stimulating, keeping things fresh in the bedroom pays off in the long run.


Yoga and meditation can drastically reshape your focus in the bedroom as well as your agility and endurance. Practicing yoga can also help you strengthen your core and pelvic floor, both important for prolonging your orgasms.


Sexting has long been neglected as a useful sexual practice, but it is now large, in charge, and back in the game. From sending raunchy pics to sharing dirty thoughts, sexting makes a crucial step in igniting the spark and moving things in the right direction.

Source: https://bestlifeonline.com/sex-god/

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