7 Qualities of a Reputable Escort: What It Takes to Succeed as a Professional

Aside from the obvious beauty and charms, for an escort to become a professional, she needs to meet a range of criteria that are relevant to providing top-tier service.

A Well Managed Schedule

A quality escort needs to keep at least some sort of track of her time spent escorting, her clients - old and new - and her days off. She needs to manage her hours well, take enough time to get ready and arrive where she's needed, and always mark her occupied days so no overlaps occur.

A Sense of Self- Preservation

A professional escort needs to take time for herself - to rest, rewire, and get back in the saddle ready to go. An escort also has to have a nose for dangerous situations or unfavourable circumstances and be able to protect her wellbeing first. Many escorts will likely have also taken a course in self-defence, too.

A Sense of Privacy and Discretion

A leading companion will, before anything else, have a natural sense of privacy and discretion. She'll know all risk factors at play and will have a few aces up her sleeve to help her and her client stay anonymous and under the radar during the date.

A Balanced Homelife vs Worklife

Be it a student, or an escort in a long-term relationship, they need to learn how to separate the two worlds and prevent them from colliding with one another. A top-tier escort will never bring her work home or bring her home to work, period.

Being Available on Short Notices

Availability is a tremendous trait that every escort should have, especially if we're talking about short notices. Some clients want an escort to be available at a certain time and for a certain amount of time, and a professional needs to be able to meet those needs - unless her schedule is overbooked.

Legal Age and Paperwork

Professional escorts in the UK need to be of age, meaning over 18 and need to also possess the required paperwork to work as a professional companion. If the escort is a foreigner and not a native of a country, she will need additional paperwork or a working visa before she's able to offer her service.

Staying Fit and Healthy

A professional escort will always have her physical, mental and overall well-being in mind. This means that she will stay healthy, and in shape and get tested regularly so as to have peace of mind for herself and her clients. Plus, regular maintenance helps escorts look fabulous during their photo shoots and yes, they do genuinely look like that - the professional kind that is.

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