Tips for Men Who are Quick to Climax: How to Maximise Your Bedroom Time

Although not the most fortunate occurrence in the world of sex, sometimes, it just so happens that your orgasm will be too quick to come. Whether it is the nerves regarding what's going to happen, the excitement of sharing a bed with someone, or a medical reason, premature ejaculation can happen - but it can also be controlled when needed.

A One-Off Before You Head Out

It might be the oldest trick in the book, but masturbating ahead of a sexy date can ruly help you hold on for a longer time in the bedroom. Especially if you are one to get overly excited during sex, spending some solo time ahead of your date will clear your mind and help your next erection grow slowly - and last on.

A Thicker Condom

In this day and age, any sexual problem can be fixed with a few smart hacks. When it comes to ejaculating a bit too soon, it is wise to opt for a thicker condom. Interestingly enough, thicker condoms have been designed for that very purpose, to tone down the sensations, yet not have you go completely numb during penetration.

Woman on Top

If you are unable to control your big O, you can ask your bedroom partner to take charge and come on top. This way, she can pace the tempo and move slowly, giving you enough time to enjoy the experience before your climax arrives. Also, if you are close to a climax, the woman can cease all motion, thus giving you time to rest and start over.


It almost sounds like a myth, but proper breathing can do wonders for controlling your premature ejaculation. This is because, with proper breathing, you can balance out the blood flow and blood pressure, thus preventing the climax from sneaking up on you unexpectedly. If you feel the orgasm approaching sooner than you wanted it to, pull away and take a few deep breaths.

Squeeze It

Holding off your orgasm is possible thanks to a little technique known as squeezing the penis. In this scenario, once you feel the orgasmic surge building, pull away, get a hold of the penis head and squeeze it for 20 seconds. Let go, wait another 30 seconds, and then resume all activity. This can be done several times, although, at one point, you will have to let it go.

Wait for It

Even if you have a whole date to show off in the bedroom, you can avoid orgasming premmaureyly by leaving the sex-having part for last. In the meantime, show affection, cuddle, tease, and spend more time creating fiery foreplay that pleases your sex partner.

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