5 Things You Didn't Know about Escorts

Escorts have existed for decades back if not centuries, but there are still some things that clients don't know escorts do as part of their job. Below, we list 5 things you may have not known about escorts and their profession and lifestyle.

They Always Learn New Skills

It is in an escort's nature and profession to always build oneself up mentally, and skill-wise. Therefore, don't be surprised to find out that escorts love to adopt new skills, improve their existing ones, and contribute to a more accomplished self. Whether it is a new service they want to start providing, a new approach toward clients, or a skill they'll find useful in their everyday life, be sure that many professionals will take the time to master it.

They Invest in Their Education & Job

Like learning new skills, escorts also take the time to build their education and job portfolio. Many try to assume that escorts are not the brightest or the most educated, but the truth is that almost all professionals who are chosen for the position will have an outstanding education, a college or faculty degree, and might also have more jobs than just escorting. Since an escort is required to be a wholesome provider, education and intelligence are a must, and they take investing in both seriously.

They Invest in Their Health

And just like they pay attention to their education and career advancements, escorts also have to invest in their health. This includes their physical, mental and emotional health. Because of that, escorts will always be in great shape and exercise regularly. They will also have specific self-care periods and meditate or maintain their emotional well being through various tools. They also need to be healthy, clear of STDs and UTIs and have a COVID-free certification before they meet clients.

They Speak Multiple Languages

Be it for sake of their education, their escorting position or just because they have a knack for it, many escorts are multilingual - which adds points to their overall portfolio. Escorts who come from a different country will have to know English to provide the services they want, but also, there are many clients who are not proficient in English and would rather meet an escort who speaks their language, like Arab, French, Italian, etc.

They Have Travelled…a Lot

Again, don't be overwhelmed with the idea that escorts are limited in any way. On the contrary, they are avid travellers and have travelled with and without their clients often, whether nationally or internationally. Escorts have grand experiences of different cultures and lifestyles, so booking a touring escort might be a great service to consider if you want someone who has seen the world.

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